


  英语的名人励志故事(一)  罗琳的神来之笔

  ——The Magic Pen of J. K. Rowling

  Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born in England in 1965, and wrote her first story at the age of six. She was in her mid-20s when the idea for the Harry Potter novels came to her, during a long train ride. By the end of that journey, she says, the character of Harry and the school for wizards which he attends were more or less fully formed in her mind.


  It would be several years, however, before the novel was completed. By that time, Rowling had been through a failed marriage. Living on welfare as a single parent, she wrote about Harry Potter while sitting in an Edinburgh cafe with her daughter asleep beside her. She could not have dreamed of the fame and success which Harry would bring her in the years to come.


  Harry Potter is not your average superhero. He is 12 years old, skinny, wears glasses, and tends to worry a lot. Yet, he has captured the imagination of children and adults the world over, and has introduced millions to the joys of reading.


  Harry's appeal stems from his role as a very ordinary boy who finds himself in extraordinary situations. Orphaned as a baby, Harry spends the next 10 years being mistreated by the awful relatives with whom he lives. On his 11th birthday, he learns that he possesses magical powers and is admitted for training at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


  The adventures of Harry and his friends at the school are superbly narrated by J. K. Rowling. She manages to lead her millions of readers deep into the world of the supernatural, while at the same time dealing with the fears and emotions of the ordinary human world. Many feel that this is the real magic of Harry Potter. .

  J. K.罗琳精采地讲述了哈利和他的朋友在学校的冒险。她设法让数百万的读者深入到一个超自然的世界,同时也触及了人间的恐惧和情感。许多人觉得这才是《哈利波特》真正的魔力所在。

  英语的名人励志故事(二)  捕石头的渔夫

  Fisherman who dragnet, feel very heavy, they danced for joy, thinking that this suddenly catch a lot of fish.

  the network pulled the shore, network full of stones and other things, not a fish.

  They are very Yusang, did not catch fish inverted worth mentioning at all uncomfortable with the fact that they expected the opposite is true.

  One of them elderly fisherman said: "friends, not sadness, joy and pain together total, they like a sister. Advance happy we have, and now had to endure the pain a little bit."

  moral:The story is that life is happening, as sometimes sunnyskies will suddenly urmoil, not because of setbacks and frustration.





  寓意:这故事是说,人生变化万千,正如有时晴朗的天空会突然发生风暴, 不要因挫折而苦恼。

  英语的名人励志故事(三)   桃李不言,下自成蹊

  Duing the Western Han Dynasty(206 B.C.- A.D.24)Period, there was a very famous general whose name was Li Guang. He was very brave and skillful in battle, and had fought more than seventy battles with the Huns, an ancient nationality in China.Having made brilliant achievements in war, he was deeply loved and esteemed by the officers and men as well as the common people.

  However,he did not claim credit for himself and become arrogant,although he held a high post,commanding a big army,and had rendered outstanding service in defending the county.

  He was not only polite and amiable, but also shared weal and woe with the soldiers. He always had the troops under his commandat heart,and whenever gifts were bestowed to him by the imperial government,he distributed the gifts to his officers and men.

  When marching, he endured the torments of hunger and thirst as the soldiers did when food and water were in short supply.

  When fighting, he charged at the head of his men,and ,when he gave the order,every soldier advanced bravely to engage in fighting,not fearing death.

  When the sad news of the heath of General Li Guang reached the militaty camp,the officers and men of the whole army wept bitterly.


