








重点词汇:teacher, nurse, engineer, manager, airhostess, lawyer, doctor, clerk, reporter, police

重点句型:1. What does your mother do? She is a teacher.

What does your father do? He is an engineer.

2. What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher.

What does she want to be? She wants to be a singer.




Step One Warming activity

Have some free talks.Ask students these


How many people are there in your family?

Who are they?

Do you love your family?

Where’s your home?

Step Two Presentation

Show the picture of Pan Changjiang’s family. They are a happy family,learn the word “actor”.Actor is a job,do you know other jobs?

Show the PPT, learn other new words ,policeman,policewoman,doctor,nurse,waiter Reporter,hospital ,bank clerk and so on.

Do 1a as quickly as you can. Check the answers.

Step Three New drills

T: I’m a teacher. (Ask one student What do you do?) Help the student answer I’m a student. Then ask several students.

T: What do you do?

S1: I’m a student.

(Point to another boy)

T: What does he do?

S1: He is a student.

T: What do you do?(Ask a girl)

S2:I’m a student.

(Point to this girl,ask another student)

T:What does she do?

S3:She is a student.

T:What does your mother do?

S4:She is a farmer.

T:What does your father do?

S4:He is a worker.

Ask some Ss to answer the questions.

Open your books,do 1b.Play the tape.

Step 4 Task 1

Make a survey and report about your group.

Name Mother’s job Father’s job

Step 5 Task 2

Play a guessing game.

Step 6 Exercises

1.I want to be a d_____ like Hua Tuo.

2.My sister is a nurse,she works in ah_______.

3.Cheng Long is a famous a____,Gong Li is afamous a_______.

4.The two boys want to be __________(policeman)when they grow up.

5.--What ___ you ___(do)? --I am a teacher.

6.He is a shop assistant.(划线提问)____ ____ he ____?

Step 7 Summary and Homework

Make a survey ,ask your parents or three of your friends using the question” What do you want to be?” and fill in the chart.





1.I want to be a d_____ like Hua Tuo.

2.My sister is a nurse,she works in a h_______.

3.Cheng Long is a famous a____,Gong Li is a famous a_______.

4.The two boys want to be __________(policeman) when they grow up.

5.--What ___ you ___(do)? --I am a teacher.

6.He is a shop assistant.(划线提问)

____ ____ he ____?


Unit 4 I want to be an actor.

Section A(1a---1c)

1. policeman (policemen) 6. --What do you do?

policewoman(policewomen) --I am a…..

2. doctor ---What does he do?

3. shop --He is a …..

shop assistant ---What does she do?

4. waiter ---She is a…..


5. actor





◆ 掌握部分有关电视节目以及表示装饰的词汇,如:soap opera, sitcom, sports show, host, super, agree, hair clip, key ring, belt, wallet etc.

◆ What do you think of…? 句式在不同人称中的使用及其几种不同的答语方式,并能简单陈述理由。

◆ 掌握运用love, like, don’t like, don’t mind, can’t stand恰当表达对有关事物的观点和态度。


◆ 学会陈述自己的看法和意见。

◆ 学会谈论自己的喜好。

◆ 谈谈流行文化,了解各类电影和电视节目的名称。

◆ 了解一些日常生活用品,描述对其喜好程度。




◆ 学会客观地评价事物。

◆ 正确表达自己的意见。

◆ 正确认识流行文化。

◆ 了解中西文化在表达自己的观点时存在很大差异——我们比较委婉,而西方人则更直接一些。





正确运用What do you/does he/she think of…?及I love/like/don’t like/don’t mind/can’t stand ... He/She loves/likes/doesn’t like/doesn’t mind/can’t stand ...等句型结构来表达对客观事物的评价。




Step1 Warming up : Chant

What do you think of talk shows?

I don’t mind them.

What about game shows?

I love them.

Do you like sitcoms?

Yes, I do.

Step 2 Revision: Dialogue show time

注:1. Dialogue show后要鼓励学生给予comments。可以引导学生在以下几方面评价:

What do you think of their dialogue?

Body language




1,2,3,4 Mary is at the kitchen door.

5,6,7,8 Mary is at the garden.

Step 3 Presentation

1. Listen and do 2a, 2b.

借助Dialogue show 及过渡句“Have you seen the sitcom Dumpling King引出听力

2. 做完2a,2b后,问:

What does he think of Dumpling King?

What does he think of Er Bao

Xiao Bao ?



Step 4 Information exchange

Student A looks at one paper, student B looks at the other paper.(Don’t look at his/her partner’s paper)

运用句型结构:What does Alan/Yang Lin think of these TV shows?交流信息。

Step 5 Task(1):

Weekend Talk show

学生三人一组,分别扮演角色 host/hostress和guests,电视访谈节目的演示,谈论对不同TV shows的看法,但老师先要给予Talk show的model。

A: Welcome to 9 o’clock weekend Talk show.

We’re talking to….Welcome to the show…

B: Thank you.

A: Do you like to watch TV?


A: What do you think of sports shows?


A: How about…?


A: OK! Thanks for joining us. Next, we’re talking to…

Step 6 Task (2):Survey time

列举常见TV Shows的名称,调查并统计班内同学对各种节目的观点。四人小组以统计图表的形式(学生可以creative一些,设计各种统计图表)呈现结果,再给TV station写一封调查报告,并提些建议。

统计时,增加句型:I do, too.

I don’t, either.

Step7 Homework

1. Finish your diagram and stick on the board.

2. Finish writing the letter to the TV station.






Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?




结合本单元主题wild animals我确定了本节课的具体内容,从词汇和课文内容入手,进行引伸和拓展,使学生通过本单元的学习能介绍wild animal,用较通顺、较连贯一段话介绍某种野生动物。从而达到拓展学生的课外知识和综合运用能力的目的。


通过学习jungle,zoo-keeper,peel等新词,以及what do they like? Where does i live? 等句型,理解关于动物的短文,并根据自己的学习情况来描述一个动物。同时渗透爱护自然,保护动物的德育思想。




tape records flash PPT


1. Learn the words : wild, peel, zoo-keeper, jungle,

Learn the sentences: Where does it live? What does it like?

2. Learn to describe a kind of wild animals.

3. Try to stimulate the students’ interests of English.


Try to describe a kind of wild animals more orderly.


tape records flash PPT


I. Pre-task preparations

1、 jungle

2、 play a game: Wild animals Farm animals 5. a rhyme

Watch a viedo T:Can you tell me what is the name of this book? (read:jungle)

Tongue Twister T:The large giraffe is jumping in the jungle.

T :Talk about what animals can you see in the jungle?

S1: We can see pigs.

S2:We can see dogs

T :Talk about what animals can you see

通过观看森林王子的 预告片,更直观的了解 丛林。了解自然。 通过一个游戏,讨论农村动物和野生动物的 区别,引出野生动物的概念。on the farm?

S1: We can see tigers.

S2:We can see pandas.

II. While-task procedures

Passage one .

Passage two

Passage three

1 Listen and answer

T :What colour is the monkey?

S: It is black. T :Is it big or small?

S: It is big

T :What colour is the monkey?

S: It is black.

T :Does it have long arms and long legs?

S: Yes,it does

2 Judge with T or F

1)The monkey doesn’t have long arms or legs.

2) The monkey can climb to the top of the cage.

3) It has a pink face.

4) The monkey can swing on the rope.

通过听力引出第一段, 然后通过短文判断。最后让学生进行讨论,让同学们自己总结出其 他动物的特点。

通过半开放性的问题,进行讨论,让同学们自己总结出饲养员的工作。 通过一首诗歌,让同学 们进一步巩固所学知识,活跃课堂气氛。 进行德育教育,让学生 们知道不能随便喂动 物错误的食品,要爱护 动物,我们是朋友。


5) The monkey is big and brown.

3 look and say

T: Can you say something about other animal?

1)learn: zoo-keeper

2) ask and swer

T:What do the zoo-keepers do for the animals?

T:What animal does this zoo-keeper feed? Does he like the baby monkeys?

T:Can you say something about the zoo-keeper?

3)describe the


Answer the questions T:Read the passage . Then answer the questions.

S1:What do they like?

S2:at don’t they eat?

S3:What is this monkey doing?

S4:How is the monkey now?

S5:Can you feed the monkeys sweets?

Read a poem Eating bananas 'Bananas,' says the monkey, 'Are what I like to eat, And if my hands are busy I can peel them with my feet.'

Mae some notices: Love the animals. Don’t feed them the wrong food. We are friends.

look and say Look at these animals.

They have _______. _________________

They can _________. _________________.

They like _____. They do not eat _____.

We can’t feed them _____.

We can feed them________.

III. Post-task activities

Make an interview(采访)


1.Passage reading: Pandas

2.Choose one animal and write.

Reporter(记者): Good morning, Mr Tang.

Zoo-keeper: Good morning.

Reporter: Can I ask you some questions?

Zoo-keeper:Sure./Of course.

Reporter: What animal do you like?

Are they …? Do they have…?

Can they…? Do they like…?

Where do they live?

通过一段记者与动物 管理员的采访对话,进一步活跃课堂气氛,巩固所学的知识点。



Zoo-keeper: …。

Reporter: Thank you very much.

Zoo-keeper: You’re welcome.

Answer the questions: Where do the pandas live?

What do the pandas live on?

What colour are pandas? What do the pandas like to do?

How do you think of pandas?

There are not many pandas in the world now.

Why? T:Please choose one animal and write.




1,能够听,说,读,写短语:turn left, turn right , go straight .

2, 能听,说,认读句型:“How can I get to the museum? Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left.” 并能进行关键词的替换操练。

3,能听,说,认读句子:“It’s east of the cinema. Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left.” 并能在情景中进行应用。(let’s talk 的内容)


重点:turn left, turn right , go straight,It’s east of the cinema. Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left

难点:It’s east of the cinema. Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left








1,Warming up and revision

T: Look at me ,what’s this

Ss: hand

T: Yes, It ‘s a left hand. show me your left hand please.

T: (show right hand) Is this a left hand?

Ss: No, It’s a right hand (如果学生不会加上right老师要引导)

T: touch your left ear……(通过指令活动让学生掌握left right)

Game: Simon says

(用本游戏进一步操练left right ,并能提高学生的学习气氛,为本节课奠定了课堂氛围)

2,Presentation and practice

1T: Boys and girls, look! this is my left hand ,now I turn left(做动作,强调turn left)

板书turn left 带读

用同样方法呈现turn right

操练:turn left, turn right


T:The whole class , stand up , turn left …..turn right…..


Guessing game复习library, cinema 等学过的表示地方的单词,猜对的学生可以拿到表示地方的单词图片,并放到自己小组的桌子中间,等所有图片都复习完了,所有图片就到了各个小组中间,教师就成了一个小城市,有各种建筑物,为下一活动做准备。


T:I am a robot now , you can control me ,now, I want to go to the …….

Ss: Turn … go straight ….

T: (扮演成一个盲人,用红领巾蒙住眼睛) I want to go to the …….

Ss: Turn … go straight ….



T: (教师事先把一些玩具藏在各个小组的桌子里) go straight , turn left at the cinema , go straight turn right . you can find you dog.


叫一个学生上讲台:S1:go straight , turn left at the cinema , go straight turn right . you can find you dog.(学生边走边说,走对了拿到宝物的,宝物暂时给该学生保存)

5呈现句子It’s east of the cinema.

用图片复习方位词east west south north 并把它们贴到教室的四个方位,教师站在中间,教师指哪个地方,学生就大声读出这个方位。

6教师站在教师的一个小组上T : Where is Mr Chen? Ss: It is in the cinema. 教师这时用手指东边,Ss: It’s a library. T: So the library is in the east , It’s east of the cinema.(强调It’s east of the cinema.)


7录音呈现Let’s talk 内容,老师带读

8呈现Let’s talk 挂图。教师指定一个地方,让学生Pair work 讨论怎么去到那个地方。


T:Now our classroom is a city. There is a … There is a … suppose you are a stranger, you do not know how to get to somewhere ,and your friend live in this city ,so talk with your friend .

4, Home work

Copy the worlds and sentences in P19 and P20
